Muslim Conquest of Britain Nears Completion … ???

Swansea University
Image via Wikipedia

From Moriel USA … a good site. (usually!)

January 10, 2011
Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

A study by of the Centre for Migration Policy Research at Swansea University shows that thousands of Britons are converting to Islam every year – with more women becoming Muslims than men.

The research suggests that the numbers converting to the religion has doubled by 2010 from the 60,669 converts in 2001.

The average age of the Muslim converts is 27.5, with 520,0o0* Brits becoming Muslims in the past 12 months.

* this figure has been disputed by Wazza and he’s right. The correct figure is 5,200.  … oh dear! If the church isn’t making converts on that scale in the UK there really is no hope! But we believe in a God who is mighty to save! … Don’t we?

from the actual report from here


  • Using data on conversion from the Scottish Census of 2001, it was calculated that there were 60,669 converts to Islam in the United Kingdom in 2001;
  • 55% of converts in 2001 were from the White British ethnic group;
  • It is estimated that in 2010 approximately 5,200 people converted to Islam in the UK;
  • The total number of converts in the United Kingdom may have risen to as high as 100,000 in 2010; 
  • British national newspapers regularly present converts in terms of a greater threat to security than other British Muslims;
  • The survey of converts to Islam in the United Kingdom carried out during August and September 2010 is the largest survey of its kind to date;
  • Profile of respondents:
    o 56% White British, 16% Other White, 29% non-White;
    o 62% female, 38% male;
    o Average age at conversion was 27.5.
  • The survey provides no evidence to support the claim that most conversion is driven by the desire to marry a Muslim;
  • When thinking about converting, converts got most help and assistance from books, Muslim acquaintances and the Internet;
  • The majority received no help from a mosque – mosques are generally thought to not have sufficient provision for converts and less than half of converts felt that mosques had appropriate provision for people interested in Islam;
  • The majority experience difficulties after converting due to the negative attitude of their family, but over time this attitude becomes more positive;
  • The majority of converts see themselves as both British and Muslim;
  • The majority feel that there is more good than bad about British culture and do not feel that most British people are hostile to Islam;
  • The majority of converts feel that there is no natural conflict between being a devout Muslim and living in the United Kingdom;
  • A significant majority feel that it is important for others to be aware that they are Muslims and feel that religion is important in the upbringing of their children;
  • The vast majority of women changed their appearance after conversion, with a significant majority adopting the hijab (either straight away or after some time);
  • The majority of converts personally disagree with the niqab, although they feel that ultimately it is a matter of personal choice and support the right of women to wear it;
  • The majority do not support strict segregation of the sexes – but do not support “free mixing” of the sexes either;
  • The majority stated that most or all of their close friends were Muslims, however, almost all felt that Muslims should not keep themselves separate from non-Muslims;
  • The most important problems facing converts to Islam include:
    o Lack of support networks for converts;
    o Feeling of isolation and rejection by born Muslims;
    o The way that converts are portrayed in the media;
    o The pressure put on them to comply with the cultural norms of born Muslims.
  • Almost all feel that some practices of born Muslims are more to do with culture than with Islam;
  • The majority of converts feel that converts can (and should) act as a “bridge” between Muslims and non-Muslims.

33 thoughts on “Muslim Conquest of Britain Nears Completion … ???

  1. Err… the numbers didnt seem to add up. 60,669 converts in 2001 and its now doubled but 520,000 converts in the last 12 months?

    I found the original report and its 5,200 in the last 12 months. The error was made on the Moriel site.

    Moriel didnt quote this statement from the report :

    “These numbers should be put into perspective,” the report states. “Even at the highest estimate (100,000) this remains a small minority group (at most 4% of the Muslim population and less than 0.2% of the total population of the UK).

    “There is no evidence of a mass conversion of the population and this is hardly the beginning of the ‘Islamification’ of the UK as is suggested by some groups (both pro and anti-Islam).”

  2. Agreed, wazza2. It mostly points out that Muslims are a small minority, as in Australia, which has been given extraordinary exposure and attention in the media, and has a louder voice than even the larger proportion of Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, etc, to the point that there is even legislation catering to their minority demands.

    It demonstrates the adage that all publicity is good publicity if you want to get things done.

  3. So, just to be clear: Are we worried because they are getting so big they are taking over, or because they are such a small minority and they have so much attention?

  4. When Victoria has archaic laws which put pastors in the dock for having an opinion about minority Islam, we already have a problem.

    Unfortunately it was this episode which also gave Danny Nalliah enough publicity to give him a voice too.

    The other issue is that of society’s fear of upsetting militants and stirring them to aggressive acts by pointing out that they are capable of aggressive acts if they’re stirred up.

    Personally, I’m not worried.

    It’s the politically correct segment of society which is, hence their reaction to controversy to point of doing things like watering down ‘Merry Christmas’ to ‘Happy Holiday’, taking nativity plays out of schools, and pulling down the traditional decorations for fear of upsetting the minority group in question.

    I just happen to think that we shouldn’t curb the social liberty of reasonable freedom of speech and assembly to appease opposers.

  5. So, if someone put out a press release that claimed that the Jews had nearly completed a conquest of Australia or Britain, would you support their right of free speech?

  6. Well, I support Chirpy and ian’s right of free speech to declare the holocaust phoney, but that doesn’t mean I agree, and reserve the right of freedom to question their folly, so, yes, if that happened, I would support their right of free speech, and my right to oppose it.

    Freedom of speech and assembly gives all citizens the right to be wrong, as long as we do not cause bodily harm or violent actions to be aimed at any other person.

    The fact is that anti-jewish and anti-christian speeches are prevalent at Friday prayers throughout the world. Do they have a right to their interpretation of their ‘holy’ book? Yes, as long as they do not then incite antisocial things like riotous behaviour, burn cars, destroying property, etc. But they never would, would they?

    The fact is that the evidence that Jews had nearly completed a conquest of Australia and Britain would be to the contrary, so it would be easy to refute, as it has been a simple matter refuting the claims in this post, and that is the point of discussion and debate, as opposed to censorship and anti-speech laws, although there are anti-Semites who believe the conspiracy theories that the Jews are taking over!

    Now if you were to claim that liberal secularism had nearly completed the conquest of Australia and Britain, I would say you were on the money.

  7. @Wazza

    “So, if someone put out a press release that claimed that the Jews had nearly completed a conquest of Australia or Britain, would you support their right of free speech?”

    No, that would be as absurd as saying that Bhuddists intended to a conquest of Australia or Britain – but I guess we can allow the fact that you are a bit retarded….

  8. Anyway … the estimated number of Muslims in the UK is around 2.4 million.

    The vast majority of these attend Mosque every week.

    The last figures I had for Christianity is from around 6 years ago. approx 700,000 Catholics, 700,000 Anglicans and 700,000 free-church. The vast majority of whom do not attend church every week (or every month).

    The Muslim Conquest of Britain has not neared completion, but it has begun.


  9. The UK National statistics website says that 37.3 million people identified as Christian in the 2001 Census – well over half of the population. Islam was second most popular religion with 3.1 percent.

  10. How many of those who claim Christianity have actually been inside a church?

    Sorry, but those stats are completely irrelevant. Most of those people have never entered a relationship with Jesus, never once repented to Father God for their sins and have certainly never been through the waters of Baptism. (Not that baptism is essential for salvation, but it is certainly a visible commitment.)

    Most people I talk to have no idea who Jesus was or is, or if he even walked this Earth. The most they will say about him is that he was a kind, humble man who was a great moral teacher.

    That is not a saving faith.

    There are even those who were well known Christian ministers who have abandoned the faith. Some have denied the deity of Christ while others have denied the substitutionary atonement.

    “Jesus didn’t die on the cross for our sins”, is what they say. They go on to say “Father God requiring the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins is Cosmic Child Abuse” (I Paraphrase)

    That is not the Gospel. It breaks the idea that Jesus is the only way. It suggests that there are multiple ways to God. It opens the door to other faiths being able to secure salvation. It says the Bible is wrong. It says that 2000 years of martyrs was pointless.

    It presents a God who is unjust. A God who can forgive on a whim and who will judge people unfairly. I like you so you can go to heaven, I don’t like you so you won’t.

    A capricious god who more closely resembles Satan than the Father of Jesus.

    Oh, and we are now in the realm of Allah not Abba.

    FL, I am cheerful enough. I am just keeping my eyes open to what is happening.


    Oh, BTW, Moriel have been notified and they will have updated the original page.

  11. @ Kipling

    RE: “Well, I support Chirpy and ian’s right of free speech to declare the holocaust phoney,”
    Which Ian are you referring to?

  12. @ian vincent…

    That would be a certain mr williams, not you.


    Christians need to be far less nominal and more committed to the task of preaching the gospel. How we encourage this should be the focus of ministries for the next 20 years, should the Lord tarry.

    We need to make more of a noise, be more vocal, less restrained or politically correct, making ourselves heard, but of the kind which promotes the good news rather than produces militancy.

    It is the goodness of God which leads people to repentance, not the vengeance. Perhaps we need to be bolder to tell people what he has done for the world through the cross and resurrection of Christ.

  13. But well known ministers to dot speak with one voice, with some even denying the atonement!

    “Just be nice and it’ll be alright on the night.”

    I never did … why don’t I get to heaven?

    Cos you can’t be good enough.

    Only Jesus was and is. You have to put your trust and faith in Him. The only pass mark that Jesus will accept is 100%.

    “I don’t think that’s fair … what about those who have never heard?”

    Just read Paul’s letters to find out.

    No one wants to hear that. They want to be comforted or at least to not be confronted with eternity.

    Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Live for now, who cares about hereafter.

    Forget the phrase nominal Christian. You are either all the way in, or all the way out.

    The Welsh revival was a new birth in teh Church from the local community. Something radically different was happening and people went back to the Church they’d been avoiding since they stopped going to Sunday School. They realised it was all true and faith was caught, because the fear of the Lord was caught, and indeed the understanding of God’s love was also caught.

    Lives were changed … then.

    Reasons for gloom:
    1) the so called nominals have no idea about what Christianity is.
    2) the people inside the church are not fulfilling the Mandate to go out and make disciples. They are not disciples themselves!
    3) We don’t want to do any hard work, we’d rather be entertained and leave with a feel good factor not a sense of guilt.
    4) Seeker sensitive pep talks are in … good exposition is out.

    I feel too gloomy to go on.

    It is as in the days of Jeremiah. Tickling ears and every wind of doctrine. Revival Revival is the cry now, when it was peace, peace in Jeremiahs day.

    Tough times are coming to the church, because God will not be mocked. He also wants to save people from their bad teaching. We will be forced to turn back to Him or leave the church.

    So the church will shrink due to persecution. Only the true disciples will tough it out.

    You don’t have to believe me, but you just keep an eye on your TV’s and you will see more churches in the UK getting attacked. More preachers and anglican priests etc getting beaten up for their faith.

    Keep your eyes open.

    While everyone might be lulled into a false sense of security, 37 million nominal Christians seems a lot, but another study showed that the UK was the second most Godless nation on earth. Only beaten by Japan.

    What will step into that Vacuum?


  14. The outlook for a Christian should not be gloom, or doom, but hope, which is stimulated by faith.

    Reasons for hope:

    1) Nominal Christians are a ready made demographic which can be reached by adjusting our approach to mission. They are more or less saying to us, ‘come and get me, I want to believe in your God’.

    2) The people inside the church can be encouraged and enthused into mission by the right kind of preaching and teaching. Again it may require an adjustment in our approach to mission to accomplish this.

    3) People like to be entertained when there is nothing to do, but prefer to be engaged in a cause. When we provide a fulfilling cause for them entertainment will be a peripheral requirement.

    4) Neither seeker sensitive nor expositional approaches are functional or worthwhile as long as people are denied mission. However, either approach is valid when it is included as part of mission.

    Sitting in church stagnating under expositional teaching is no better than being spoon fed sensitive narratives. Ministers of the gospel need to stimulate congregations into affirmative, proaction in prayer, witness, gospel preaching and making of disciples, so that the emphasis of ministry is removed from the pulpit to the greater body, form the altar of the house to the market place where the lost live, mingle, commune and seek a fulfilled life.

  15. By the way, many seeker sensitive churches employ teaching and training methods which include the use of music, art and drama. These, in themselves, are not wrong, and, in fact, can enhance the teaching environment and assist congregants to better process and access information on faith, belief and mission.

    Which may be why they have such strong growth figures.

    People have a better understanding of the concepts being taught when they they are presented in an easily grasped format.

    Jesus used drama, illustrations and open theatre with powerful demonstrations of God’s power and will to enhance his messages.

    Having someone stand in front of an audience to speak for an extended period of time can have a variable impact, depending on the ability of the person to articulate his message.

    Preferably, as Paul points out, the message should be preached under the influence of the Holy Spirit, in which case the ability of a person as an orator is not important. But there should be no reason why a person should not use sound, lighting, technology, music, drama and a host of other means to enhance the experience of the hearer, utilising an entire team to get a specific message across if necessary, provided the Word and Spirit are not ignored as essential to the message.

    In some ways the seeker sensitive approach has been misunderstood and wrongly assessed, as entertainment, and as leaving out important fundamentals of faith, when, in fact, they have looked at the need of the unsaved, unchurched hearer to actually comprehend the message and absorb it. They work hard at getting their message across, using everything at their disposal.

    Many seeker sensitive churches use complementary teaching and training environments, associated with their mission, to minister the missional and fundamental tenets of faith to their congregations, through graduating classes and specialised teaching.

    These classes are not always included in the criticism aimed at seeker sensitive churches. The focus is always on the main presentation, the very avenue of evangelism employed to attract new people into the congregation at entry level.

    At the back of this main event, as the supporting cast, in midweek meetings, is the milk and meat of the Word, administered to hungry converts who have been drafted into the church through the doorway of focused evangelism which presents Jesus Christ as their friend, deliverer, saviour and helper, not their condemner.

    Diminishing everything seeker sensitive churches attempt to accomplish to entertainment is unfair and clearly wrong in most cases.

  16. All good points Kipling.

    What do you think of the concept of ministers doing evangelism themselves too.

    Paul, Peter, Phillip, Stephen, Jesus, the disciples – they all actually went out.

    I sometimes think that ministers are always telling and encouraging people to go out and share the gospel, but that would be easier if the ministers themselves were also going out and sharing.

  17. Re:

    “I sometimes think that ministers are always telling and encouraging people to go out and share the gospel, but that would be easier if the ministers themselves were also going out and sharing.”
    Yes. They could learn from Jesus example, and take a team with them to the streets and public places, preaching, and thus teach and lead by example, and equip the saints.

  18. Kipling:

    Strong growth figures? Transfer growth perhaps? “The services are more fun”

    “At the back of this main event, as the supporting cast, in midweek meetings, is the milk and meat of the Word, administered to hungry converts who have been drafted into the church through the doorway of focused evangelism which presents Jesus Christ as their friend, deliverer, saviour and helper, not their condemner.”

    Straw man argument … no one says Jesus is here to condemn. So you imply that it’s either nice seeker sensitive or condemnatory. ANd who wants to identify with anyone who is nasty and elitist?

    On top of that, while it is true that the midweek meetings are for serious believers who want to become mature, they found that the mojority of those who should go to the midweek sessions were going on Sunday … to be entertained.

    A worship service is not for me to have a good time. It is for the worship of God alone. How I feel is irrelevant.

    Is He the focus … or is me?

    He or ME. Either/Or. They are mutually exclusive.

    Can we, for just one hour a week, totally focus on Him? Do I have to like the songs? Do I have to enjoy the sermon? No.

    Do the SOngs have to totally glorify the Father? Yes. Should the Sermon lead sinners to repentance … yes. But the sermon is not the focal point of the service. The sermon should lead us to the point where we begin to truly worship.

    This is why we need to attend church regularly. Corporate worship is desired by God.

    It can be 2 or 3 gathered together as well. But the more the merrier.


  19. @Bull…

    I’d appreciate it if you didn’t attribute things to me which I didn’t actually say. For instance, ‘services are more fun’. Where did I say or even imply this? ‘Transfer growth’. Nope, I didn’t make this an option.

    If you’d taken the time to read what I said you’d know that the emphasis, as I stated, was on the unsaved and unchurched, not transfer growth.

    All you have done is prove my actual point, that the seeker sensitive approach is misunderstood.

    In fact, services are more focused. They have a target demographic which the congregation is encouraged to reach, and a program which supports the evangelistic endeavours of their members.

    But if you consider worship to be less than relational and interactive, then I am sad for you. Worship is about us and God. Father an child. Adoration and presence. You can diminish feelings if you like, but love has emotion attached to it. It also has expression.

    I don’t need a sermon to worship God. It is a lifestyle, not a weekly moment.

  20. If the songs sung are about what I feel, rather than about what has and is doing, then if I don’t feel those feelings when I go to church then how can I possibly worship God?

    The songs sung are always about “my” feelings these days. I am not talking about a contemporary sound to the music … I am talking about the emotionalism in the lyrics.

    They always demonstrate a “mountain-top” experience. They may talk about the depths of emotional despair but only rarely … and who wants to sing about that?

    No. How many of us walk into church and we are already on a spiritual high? I don’t think God wants that. He wants us to worship in spirit and in truth.

    However, much seeker entertainment has the congregation as an audience watching the platform and singing along to a professional sounding band.

    Big deal. Will worship be like that in Heaven? With painfully loud drumming singing the same chorus 25 million times?

    They may say they don’t want transfer growth … but they will get it. They get a lot of it.

    Worship isn’t just a sunday service. But God loves that kind of Worship … along with all the rest of our lives.

    One day a year, you will find that your children will all gather round you and maybe stand and sing a song to you using set words and music.

    “Happy Birthday to you …”

    It may be a bit boring and staged. But don’t you love that? Isn’t it a mark of their love and respect to you?

    How much more then, should we sing respectful songs to our heavenly Father? Shouldn’t he bask in our love and respect and awe for Him?

    Yet we say only a relevant thumping music track works in our day. I don’t want to go back to the past … I want to move forward with lyrics that reflect truth.

    Half of the songs sung in Church I can’t sing … cos they are about my feelings and I refuse to sing lies in Church.


  21. RE:

    “I disagree entirely with the whole concept of any ‘remnant’ it is bullshit theology and elitist crap that those who consider themselves to be the sole arbiters of truth and biblical theology use to lift themselves up and put everyone else down; your use of words such as ‘wacko’ and ‘fruitcake’ to label people with whom you disagree is evidence of that.”

    Sounds like YOU are the elitist and you are putting me down simply bcos i don’t agree with your theology?

    Jesus said few are saved. That’s a remnant.

    That’s what Jesus said, it’s no one’s opinion or theology.

  22. Greg believes in a remanant too! although all of humanity will be saved (vis Rob Bell) by Jesus’ “example” (not ATONEMENT!!) that does not necessarily include the pesky warrior villian race in the Star Trek universe – the “Klingons”, the water-breathing race of fish-like humanoids – “Lanatosians”; the “Mazarites” – a humanoid species native to the Alpha Quadrant planet Mazar and the “Organians” – a race of surface dwellers and the dominant species of their homeworld in the Sydney Diocese (they will definitely be going to hell)….

    Ahh yes, all things work together for good for those who love everything God hates and live to twist his words in Gregs little Star Trek universe – where God’s law has been replaced by God’s post-modern suggestion box for people who dont really want God to God….

  23. @ Greg

    Re: “…your use of words such as ‘wacko’ and ‘fruitcake’ to label people with whom you disagree is evidence of that.”
    Point taken, Greg.

    If we use these terms then people may surmise that we are elitist, as you have done.

    But to observe that we are living in the last days, the time the Bible describes as the “great falling away” from the truth, and to point out where folks have strayed from the truth, and the nature of deception these days… that doesn’t make one an elitist.

    Sure, one can believe this and be an elitist, but believing this doesn’t make one an elitist.

  24. Hi Ian

    Ian, given the history of Christianity, when has there been a time when when the majority of Christendom held to the truth and what would you consider to be the truth?

    You could argue there has always been a remnant, especially those who are anti-Catholic and anti-traditional.

  25. Agreed.

    In catholic medieval Europe, things were worse than today, in many respects.

    But the nature of the deception has changed since then. Back then, the leaders of christendom were so obviously evil. Now, their evil is much more subtle. As the Bible said it would be.

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