Christian Schools not being very Christian!

Letters from gay Australian students: How our schools tried to ‘fix’ us THESE are the letters that will sicken any fair-minded Australian to their core. Gay Australians have opened up about the discrimination they faced from teachers, staff and peers at school in a series of heartfelt letters. Today we publish two of these letters. … More Christian Schools not being very Christian!

What Slippery Slope? Things they said would never happen!

From the Daily Mail… Millionaire gay fathers to sue the Church of England for not allowing them to get married in the church The first legal challenge to the Church of England’s ban on same-sex marriage was launched today – months before the first gay wedding can take place. Gay father Barrie Drewitt-Barlow declared: ‘I … More What Slippery Slope? Things they said would never happen!

Gays and the Myth of the Christian Minority

This article is by Myisha Cherry Lately the term “Christian minority” has been floating out of the mouths of politicians and political pundits alike. The term refers to Christians who oppose homosexuality and who are subsequently labeled as bigots because of it. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) at a Tea Party conference last year noted, “The … More Gays and the Myth of the Christian Minority