The IHOP Cult

Some of my IHOP “Red Flags” Posted: January 1, 2010 by Ariel in Cult, Deception, False doctrines, IHOP, Leaving a cult, Mike Bickle, Spiritual Abuse 35 There were many, many experiences that made me do a double take and say “what?” while I was at IHOP but that internal questioning was quickly explained away or rebuked … More The IHOP Cult

C3 ‘Vision Builders’ Pamphlet for ‘Rise & Build’

C3, for their Rise and Build event, have released a publication called Vision Builders. I had to write this out because I am absent of a scanner or camera at the moment. I found this booklet quite revealing. “VISION Every year we jointly commit to the task of resourcing the vision that God has given … More C3 ‘Vision Builders’ Pamphlet for ‘Rise & Build’