Mark: Provenance, Authorship and Literary Style. Pt II

Determining the authorship of Mark poses some problems, as the text itself is anonymous. However the support for Mark as author from the early Church Fathers is almost universal[1]. Eusebius records Papias’ assertion that Mark, a disciple of Peter’s and his interpreter, wrote down accurately what Peter had said regarding the Lord[2].   This Mark has … More Mark: Provenance, Authorship and Literary Style. Pt II

How Liberty University Creates Creationists

A course questionnaire for one of the evangelical school’s required science courses shows how the decked is stacked against the facts. As a Christian professor who has tangled with evangelical institutions over evolution, I am often invited to don the mantle of “heretic.” The invitation typically comes in the form of an interview in which … More How Liberty University Creates Creationists

16 Ways Progressive Christians Interpret the Bible

January 21, 2014 By Roger Wolsey  I’ve long stated that Atheists and fundamentalists each tend to read the Bible in the same wooden, overly literalistic manner. The difference is that atheists reject what they read in that manner, while fundamentalists believe it. There’s a lot of truth to that – enough that it tends to piss off … More 16 Ways Progressive Christians Interpret the Bible

The Greens don’t have a prayer…

From a wise Editorial in the Australian… NO book has had a greater impact on Western civilisation than the Bible. Believers or not, few would disagree. The Bible has shaped our language, art and institutions. Its Christian teachings have informed our development from exploration to enlightenment, through customs to laws, forging countries and cultures. So … More The Greens don’t have a prayer…

Why I’m Hesitant to Let My Kid Watch Christian Movies

November 4, 2013  By Benjamin Corey 1. Because there is a really, really, really good chance that Kirk Cameron is one of the main characters. And, let’s face it– Kirk isn’t a very good actor. Every time I see him on the big screen it ruins fond childhood memories, singing “as long as we’ve got … More Why I’m Hesitant to Let My Kid Watch Christian Movies